Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Minecraft Platform

Minecraft Platform

After fiercely combating with zombies and creepers in a Minecraft forest, a Minecraft animal has tumbled into a deep and meandering maze. Oh no! It's difficult for him to find the way to come back home. Just your participation in Minecraft Platform can rescue him. Take sometime to get excited with the amazing game and begin this important task right away, all players! The maze is designed to have 5 basic rooms, and each one will contain an only exit for ascending the surface. Thus, the final aim of the players is to lead the Minecraft animal to this door. It's special that all monsters in the maze are totally harmless, and they can be destroyed by letting him jump on them. Thus, don't get worried about their danger. Instead, watch out for a Minecraft guy in front of the exit in the final room. His shots can kill the main character quickly. Be careful!

How to play:

Use the arrow keys for movement.
The spacebar is to shoot.

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